Assignment – April 16, 2018 – Natural Light Portraits
Assignment – April 16, 2018 – Natural Light Portraits

As a photojournalist, natural light environmental portraits is my favorite type of portrait photography. Compared to studio portrait photography natural light photography is easier because you don’t need to know

Assignment March 14, 2018 – Using Adobe Lightroom for Creative Adjustments
Assignment March 14, 2018 – Using Adobe Lightroom for Creative Adjustments

During Lesson Two, students learned how to create a typical workflow to process an image by using Adobe Lightroom’s Develop Module and making global changes to the image, adjustments that

Assignment March 12, 2018 – Using Lightroom’s Development Module to Process an Image
Assignment March 12, 2018 – Using Lightroom’s Development Module to Process an Image

When you have a lot of images to process you must establish a process that allows you to work quickly and consistently within Adobe Lightroom. Today we are going to

March 4, 2018 – Adobe Lightroom Introduction – Lesson One
March 4, 2018 – Adobe Lightroom Introduction – Lesson One

Adobe Lightroom complements Adobe Photoshop and works as an old school darkroom. When I first learned photography I learned that to get to the final product of a print you